Benefits Of Having A Coffee Machine In Office Or At Home

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Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world and you can guess its popularity that most people won’t consider starting their day without the steaming mug of freshly brewed coffee. It is produced in over 70 countries. Brazil, Vietnam and Columbia are the leading producers of coffee. A recent survey indicates that in Britain whooping 95 million cups of coffee is consumed each day.

It’s a fact that almost all the coffee lovers drink more than one cup per day. Most of them take coffee in the morning regularly to gain the caffeine boost to clear their minds morning haze. They spend around $5 each day to get the perfectly brewed coffee from any café. The question is why you pay so much when you can get the same quality coffee in your own home.

There are a lot of benefits in having your own coffee machine at home or office. Let’s take a look at what you can gain from best coffee maker 2019.

It Saves Money

Biggest advantage of having a coffee machine home is that you save a lot of money, which otherwise you definitely have spend buying coffee from café’s. Many people don’t think twice while spending $5 on every morning coffee. There is a huge difference in amount of money you spend on having a cup from coffee shop and from brewing a perfect cup of Joe at your home or in your office. There are many coffee machines available from you can easily make espresso, latte, cappuccino or a creamy caramel frappuccino.

Great in Serving Guests

You often have unannounced guests at your home and office which you need to serve beverages to show your gracious hospitality. Here a good coffee machine really shows its worth by providing quick and tasty solution in these situations. There are large coffee machines available which can serve upto 12 perfectly brewed coffee cups in case you are having party at your home or celebrating any other occasion in your office. The size and amount of coffee doesn’t matter if you are able to provide your guests with coffee shop quality coffee inside your own home.

Health Benefits of Coffee Machine

Although restaurants and coffee shops strictly follow the rules of hygiene and food quality, nothing beats the safety of your own brewed coffee. Not only you will get a small boost of energy every time you consume coffee, there are other health benefits you gain from coffee as well.

A recent survey indicates that coffee can help you avoid type 2 diabetes, liver diseases, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer. Having coffee everyday may also help your heart. It also lowers the risk of multiple sclerosis, retinal damage and cavities.

Instant Access

Another great advantage of having a coffee maker at home is that you won’t have to rush towards a coffee shop whenever you crave a steaming cup of your favorite coffee. With the push of a button you can instantly have a fresh cup of coffee every morning or whenever you need. By having a coffee machine you can save a lot of time in getting a freshly brewed cup of coffee. With coffee machine you won’t have to worry about any coffee shop timing and you can get a fresh cup of your favorite coffee early in the morning or anytime you want.

Learn Latte Art

We are sure that every coffee lover had seen plenty of video from many coffee shops in which they demonstrate beautiful latte art while serving their customers and you want to try yourself. A coffee machine can make it much easier for you to be more creative while serving latte to your guests at home. Over the last few years Latte art has really bloomed with many people learning to create all kind of adorable shapes by mixing milk, cream and coffee in a certain way. Imagine how impressed your guests will be if you serve them a latte with a heart or lion staring up at them from their cup.


Now that you have learned the perks of having your own coffee machine at home, it is up to you that how soon you purchase a quality coffee machine. Having your own coffee machine means that you will be able to have a freshly brewed delicious coffee whenever you need and you will be able to save money because you won’t have to buy coffee from expensive shops. You will be able to save time and also impress others with your latte art as soon as you buy a coffee machine for yourself.